Welcome to our site where facts, honesty and kindness matter.
We’ll be looking a local politics in Shelby Ohio; focusing first on Shelby Councilman Nathan Martin (4th Ward) who was recently subpoenaed for his alleged role in the January 6, 2021 attack on the United States Capitol and our Democracy.
In the coming months, we’ll use Nathan’s very own words and actions to show the following:
Nathan isn’t a “servant leader”, he is self-interested and self-serving
The rules of a free and fair society don’t apply to Nathan
Nathan condones violence
Nathan is a racist
Nathan is homophobic
Nathan is xenophobic
Nathan is a bully and a troll
Nathan is a complainer and whiner
Nathan thinks he is a "victim"
Nathan complains about his “rights” while trampling on the “rights” of others
There is no such thing as “cancel culture”, but there is definitely Accountability Culture
and much more
But, don’t take our word for it, look at what we provide in the way of sources and confirmable facts, not opinion. Also, we will give Nathan the right of rebuttal on the facts; even if he isn't respectful and accepting of other points of view, we will give that opportunity to him.
If we are wrong, mistaken, lack the correct facts or anything else that gets in the way of providing verifiable facts and honesty, please let us know and we will fix it. Please be respectful even when others aren’t. Thanks for stopping by and please let us know what you think.
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